Principal Investments
Principal Investments
Ability to Win Deals Through Superior Track Record
Chris and partners have purchased and operated thirty-eight substantial multifamily assets in 22 U.S. markets totaling 7,298 units with financial partners that include private equity funds, pension funds, life companies and some of America’s most prominent families. This level of activity as well as spotless deal performance has enabled Chris to develop and maintain preferred buyer status with current multifamily market participants. In one of the most competitive investment sectors in the world, this is often the difference between winning a deal and going home empty-handed.
38 Major Assets
22 U.S. Markets
7.2k+ Units
Maximizing Net Income: A “Line-Item-by-Line Item” Approach to Asset Management
A relentless, methodical approach to optimizing financial performance. Each “line item” or category of income and expense presents an opportunity to enhance Net Income. Consistently employing “best practices” and driving Income through methods such as yield optimization technology and creative ancillary income initiatives while at the same time minimizing expenses through green retrofits, aggressive property tax representation multiplier effect on the Net Operating Income.
Risk Mitigation Through Moderate Leverage
In its principal activities, MAA generally advocates a conservative approach to debt. A Loan-to-Cost ratio not exceeding 65% has historically been the “sweet spot” in enhancing returns while maintaining flexibility and staying power in a variety of market conditions.
Risk Mitigation Through a Foundational Value-Add Approach
In our Foundational Value-Add approach, assets are optimized from the ground up in a progression that begins with fundamental, low-risk, predictable items and moves in sequence to higher-risk enhancements such as interior upgrades.
Net Utility Expense Reduction
“Green” retrofit: LED and low-flow devices can lower costs by 30% or more.
Third-party procurement can lower billing rates by 30% or more.
Allocation audits average $7/unit of additional income.
“Airline” pricing adjusts rents daily to optimize yield.
Increases of 3%-8% with no physical change to asset
Any property not using RM is a candidate.
Proven Low-Cost Technology Upgrades
Exclusive marketing arrangements with cable/internet providers
Construction of proprietary wireless networks
In-unit USB ports
Cost-Effective Common and Exterior Upgrades
Cure deferred maintenance
Enhance “Leasing Path”
High-impact, low-cost amenities such as package lockers and dog parks
Lower Cost to Investors
We often offer partnership terms and fees that enable our investor partners to net higher returns than they would in a typical “promoted” structure.